Uncharted 4, ecco la patch 1.04
Naughty Dog ha rilasciato una nuova patch per Uncharted 4: Fine di un ladro, ovvero la 1.04. Non si tratta di un aggiornamento particolarmente pesante: 75mb che va a correggere alcuni dettagli minori sia del comparto single player che multiplyer.
Ecco i cambiamenti in lingua inglese.
- Fixed a progression stopper where an IGC doesn’t trigger in Cave
- Fixed a crash in the tower basement.
- Fixed minor aim acceleration issue
- Fixed a crash that occurs when carrying an object
- Fixed a texture crash
- Fixed party join parameters to disallow joining a party that is in matchmaking Fixed Invite
- Only party setting to properly allow invited players
- Fixed a crash that occurs when picking up the idol while taking cover
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to get into unintended areas
- Fixed language loading issue
- Updated Messaging on locked Customization items
- Updated HUD so Marking only shows the arrow and not show the player’s name Fixed crash for Uncharted TV.