NERO, Storm in a Teacup svela la lista degli Obiettivi


La lista degli Obiettivi di NERO è stata diffusa da Storm in a Teacup. La software house italiana che sviluppa il particolare gioco sempre più vicino alla sua pubblicazione su Xbox One ha pubblicato gli Achievements.

Sono 24, di questi – tre sono rimasti segreti – per i canonici 1000 punti. Ecco la lista già pubblicata sul blog degli autori del gioco.





Complete the last puzzle leading to the end.

30 p


Complete the crystal caves.

40 p


Complete the forest.

50 p

Bringing everything together”

Find six mementos in the desert.

20 p

Cherish the past”

Find six mementos in the hospital.

20 p

Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

100 p


Complete the Three Wise Monkeys puzzle.

10 p


Complete the hospital.

50 p

Do you remember these?”

Find six mementos in the crystal caves.

20 p

Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

30 p

I had forgotten so much”

Find six mementos in the forest.

20 p

It’s all coming back to me now”

Find all of the mementos in the forest.

60 p

Journey Begins

Solve the first puzzle and enter  the caves.

10 p

My First Memento”

Find a memento.

20 p

Opening the gates

Complete the Staircase Entrance Puzzle.

30 p

Our Journey ends

Complete the NERO experience.

80 p

Perfect memory”

Find all the mementos in the game.

100 p

Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

80 p

Sphere of Light

Complete the first Sphere of Light puzzle.

10 p

These are precious to me”

Find all of the mementos in the crystal caves.

60 p


Complete the Falling Tree puzzle.

30 p

Together again

Awarded after the reunion.

10 p

Treasure hunter”

Find all of the mementos in the desert.

60 p

Vivid recollection”

Find all of the mementos in the hospital.

60 p