Non cambia la vetta delle classifiche generali su console e pc. La prima è dominata da Assassin’s Creed Revelations che mantiene la posizione nonostante Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 scalpiti dietro e Super Mario 3D Land su 3DS arrivi al gradino più basso del podio. Tengono i calcistici: quinto è Fifa 12, settimo PES 12.
Su pc c’è sempre Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 al comando. Football Manager 2012 è secondo, chiude il podio World of Warcraft. Battlefield 3 scende in sesta posizione rispetto a 7 giorni prima, e Batman Arkham City irrompe in settima piazza. Chiude la top ten The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim che perde nove posizioni rispetto alle graduatorie precedenti.
A seguire, il resto delle classifiche.
Top 10 Console
- Assassin’s Creed Revelations (PS3, Ubisoft)
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (PS3, Activision)
- Super Mario 3D Land (3DS, Nintendo)
- Just Dance 3 (Wii, Ubisoft)
- FIFA 12 (PS3, EA)
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (X360, Activision)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (PS3, Konami)
- Assassin’s Creed Revelations (X360, Ubisoft)
- Professor Layton e il Richiamo dello Spettro (DS, Nintendo)
- Mario Kart + Wii Wheel (Wii, Nintendo)
Top 10 PC
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Activision)
- Football Manager 2012 (SEGA)
- World of Warcraft pre paid card 2 mesi (Activision Blizzard)
- The Sims 3: Animali & Co. Limited Edition (EA)
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda)
- Battlefield 3 (EA)
- Batman Arkham City
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (Konami)
- X-Plane 8 Premium (FX Interactive)
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Launch Version (Bethesda)
Top 10 PlayStation 3
01. Assassin’s Creed Revelations (Ubisoft)
02. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Activision)
03. FIFA 12 (EA)
04. Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (Konami)
05. Uncharted 3 – L’Inganno di Drake (Sony)
06. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Launch Edition (Bethesda)
07. Need for Speed: The Run Limited Edition (EA)
08. Battlefield 3 (EA)
09. WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2012
10. Gran Turismo 5 Platinum (Sony)
Top 10 Xbox 360
01. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Activision)
02. Assassin’s Creed Revelations (Ubisoft)
03. FIFA 12 (EA)
04. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Launch Edition (Bethesda)
05. Kinect Adventures + Kinect (Microsoft)
06. Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (Konami)
07. Halo Anniversary (Microsoft)
08. Kinect Sports Stagione 2 (Microsoft)
09. Battlefield 3 (EA)
10. Forza Motorsport 4 (Microsoft)
Top 10 Wii
01. Just Dance 3 (Ubisoft)
02. Mario Kart + Wii Wheel (Nintendo)
03. Wii Fit Plus + Balance Board Black (Nintendo)
04. Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure Starter Pack (Activision Blizzard)
05. New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
06. Mario & Sonic ai Giochi Olimpici Londra 2012 (Sega)
07. Zumba Fitness + belt (505 Games)
08. Wii Fit Plus + Balance Board (Nintendo)
09. Wii Play Motion + Wii Remote Plus (Nintendo)
10. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Nintendo)
Top 10 Nintendo 3DS
01. Super Mario 3D Land (Nintendo)
02. Asphalt 3D (Ubisoft)
03. Combattimenti fra Giganti: Dinosauri 3D (Ubisoft)
04. Cars 2 (Disney)
05. DreamWorks Superstar Kartz (Activision Blizzard)
06. Cubic Ninja (Ubisoft)
07. FIFA 12 (EA)
08. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (Nintendo)
09. nintendogs + cats Golden Retriever (Nintendo)
10. Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure Starter Pack (Activision Blizzard)
Top 10 Nintendo DS
01. Professor Layton e il Richiamo dello Spettro (Nintendo)
02. New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
03. Pokémon versione Nera (Nintendo)
04. Pokémon versione Bianca (Nintendo)
05. Mario Kart (Nintendo)
06. Cars 2 (Disney)
07. Art Academy (Nintendo)
08. Inazuma Eleven (Nintendo)
09. My Sims Skyheroes (EA)
10. Mario vs Donkey Kong Parapiglia a Miniland (Nintendo)
Top 10 PlayStation 2
01. Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (Konami)
02. FIFA 12 (EA)
03. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Platinum (Rockstar)
04. Black (EA)
05. Need for Speed Most Wanted (EA)
06. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (Rockstar)
07. Medal of Honor: Vanguard (EA)
08. Need for Speed Carbon (EA)
09. Need for Speed Undercover (EA)
10. The Legend of Spyro: L’Alba del Drago (Activision Blizzard)
Top 10 PSP
01. Invizimals Le Tribù Scomparse (Sony)
02. Geronimo Stilton (Sony)
03. Cars 2 (Disney)
04. Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (Konami)
05. FIFA 12 (EA)
06. Assassin’s Creed Bloodlines (Ubisoft)
07. Invizimals Le Tribù Scomparse + CAM (Sony)
08. Need for Speed Carbon: Own the City Platinum (EA)
09. ATV Offroad Fury Pro Essentials (Sony)
10. Ratchet & Clank L’Altezza non Conta Essentials